Nato a S. Daniele del Friuli, vive e lavora a Moruzzo, in provincia di Udine. Dopo il diploma alla Scuola Mosaicisti di Spilimbergo nel 1966, lavora in Canada e poi torna di nuovo in Italia, dove intraprende la professione di grafico pubblicitario e, in parallelo, dipinge. Una permanenza in Cecoslovacchia a contatto con artisti di tutta Europa lo apre nuove esperienze pittoriche, le cosiddette "costruzioni di luce". Attualmente si concentra su soluzioni estetiche determinate da vari supporti materici capaci di esaltare appieno la cromatica e l’equilibrio della composizione.
Arrigo Buttazzoni is born in S. Daniele del Friuli, lives and works in Moruzzo, in the province of Udine. After graduating from the School of Spilimbergo Mosaic in 1966, works in Canada and then comes back to Italy, where he takes his profession as a graphic designer and, in parallel, paints. A stay in Czechoslovakia in contact with artists from across Europe opens new experiences painting, the "development of light." Currently he focuses on esthetic solutions determined by various media which can enhance textural fully chromatic balance of the composition.
Arrigo Buttazzoni is born in S. Daniele del Friuli, lives and works in Moruzzo, in the province of Udine. After graduating from the School of Spilimbergo Mosaic in 1966, works in Canada and then comes back to Italy, where he takes his profession as a graphic designer and, in parallel, paints. A stay in Czechoslovakia in contact with artists from across Europe opens new experiences painting, the "development of light." Currently he focuses on esthetic solutions determined by various media which can enhance textural fully chromatic balance of the composition.